Feed Analysis System (NorFor FAS)
NorFor FAS is NorFor’s Feed Analysis System, containing all analyzed values of feedstuffs (roughages, concentrates, commodities, mixtures) from the laboratories involved. In NorFor FAS, analyzed values are merged with table values, forming the basis for calculating energy and protein values for each feedstuff. Unique Lab ID’s, feed codes and Analysis ID’s make this possible.
The laboratories that send results to NorFor FAS are:
Eurofins Steins Laboratorium A/S
Kvægbrugets ForsøgsLaboratorium
Eurofins Agro Testing Norway AS
Eurofins Agro Testing Sweden AB
Eurofins Agro Testing Wageningen BV
Latvia University of Agriculture
NorFor does not conduct any quality assurance of the laboratories that send results to NorFor FAS. Regarding quality assurance of laboratories, we refer to The North European Proficiency Test (NEPT) that can be contacted at ringtest@vortex.is.
NorFor FAS web service also enables retrieving the country or region average for specific parameters, e.g. crude protein. By including such data in reports, the laboratory allows farmers/consultants to benchmark the analyzed values. Thanks to NorFor FAS, the laboratory can transfer analyzed values directly to the feed ration optimization software of a specific farmer/consultant.
Laboratories sending feed analysis results to NorFor FAS require log in. Please contact us for more information or if you want to start sending feed analysis results toNorFor FAS.