NorFor Publications


N. I. Nielsen, M. Ø. Kristensen, A. M. H. Kjeldsen & F. H. L. Jensen. 2022. Reducing carbon footprint of milk using rapeseed and NorFor in Danish dairy herds. Pages 83-85 in Proceedings of the 11th Nordic Feed Science Conference. Uppsala, Sweden.

C. Álvarez, M. Åkerlind, H. Martinussen, E. Brodshaug, D. Clausen & N. I. Nielsen. 2022.  Screening of energy content of compound feeds using the new energy evaluation model in NorFor. Pages 135-137 in Proceedings of the 11th Nordic Feed Science Conference. Uppsala, Sweden. 

S. Binggeli, H. Lapierre, S. Lemosquet, D. R. Ouelletand D. Pellerin. 2022. Comparison of feed evaluation models on predictions of milk protein yield on Quebec commercial dairy farms. Journal of Diary Sience. 105.

C.Álvarez, N.I.Nielsen, M.R.Weisbjerg, H.Volden, M.Eknæs and E.Prestløkken. 2022. High-digestible silages allow low concentrate supply without affecting milk production or methane emissions. Journal of Dairy Science. 105: 3633-3647.


C. Álvarez, N. I. Nielsen, M. R. Weisbjerg, H. Volden, and E. Prestløkken. 2020. A static model for estimating energy content of compound feeds in a dynamic feed evaluation system. Journal of Dairy Science. 104: 9362-9375.


Álvarez, C., N.I. Nielsen and M.R. Weisbjerg. 2019. A method for measuring energy content in compound feeds in the NorFor system. Pages 99-103 in Proceedings of the 10th Nordic Feed Science Conference. Uppsala, Sweden.

Weisbjerg M.R., M.Ø. Kristensen, N.I. Nielsen, T. Kristensen, M. Johansen, P. Lund and M. Larsen. How to use NorFor feed values when analysing and reporting experimental results? Pages 104-108 in Proceedings of the 10th Nordic Feed Science Conference. Uppsala, Sweden.

Åkerlind M. and N.I. Nielsen. Evaluation of NorFor’s prediction of neutral detergent fiber digestibility in dairy cows. 2019. Pages 109-116 in Proceedings of the 10th Nordic Feed Science Conference. Uppsala, Sweden.

Nielsen, N. Estimating and optimizing carbon footprint of milk in NorFor. 2019. Pages 57-61 in Proceedings of the 10th Nordic Feed Science Conference. Uppsala, Sweden.


Nielsen N.I. and N.B. Kristensen. 2017. Ringtest shows that in vitro organic matter digestibility in silages varies 3-4%-units between laboratories doing NorFor analysis. Pages 93-96 in Proceedings of the 8th Nordic Feed Science Conference. Uppsala, Sweden.

Åkerlind M., N.I. Nielsen, C. Alvarez and P. Nordgren. 2017. The NorFor feed database. Pages 102-108 in Proceedings of the 8th Nordic Feed Science Conference. Uppsala, Sweden.


Appuhamy J., J. France and E. Kebreab. 2016. Models for predicting enteric methane emissions from dairy cows in North America, Europe, and Australia and New Zealand. 2016. Global Change Biology 22: 3039–3056, doi: 10.1111/gcb.13339.

Bertilsson, J. M. Åkerlind and T. Eriksson. 2016. The effects of high-sugar ryegrass/red clover silage diets on intake, production, digestibility, and N utilization in dairy cows, as measured in vivo and predicted by the NorFor model. J. Dairy Sci. 100:7990–8003.

Åkerlind M. and N. I. Nielsen Are the nutrients and energy values for commercial compound feeds in the NorFor feedstuff table correct? ? a NIR screening conducted using different laboratories. Pages 11-16 in Proceedings of the 7th Nordic Feed Science Conference. Uppsala, Sweden.


Bertilsson J., Eriksson T. and M. Åkerlind. What does the cow and NorFor say about sugar in the diet? Pages 95-100 in Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Feed Science Conference. Uppsala, Sweden.

Hauge R., M. Johansen and N. I. Nielsen. Estimation and evaluation of rumen microbial protein synthesis in NorFor and other feed evaluation systems. Pages 116-122 in Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Feed Science Conference. Uppsala, Sweden.

Åkerlind M., B. Johansson, H. Stenberg, K. Zaralis, I. Schei, N.I. Nielsen and E. Nadeau. Predicting intake capacity of growing bulls. Pages 123-129 in Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Feed Science Conference. Uppsala, Sweden.


Jensen, C. Milk and growth responses to energy intake in dairy cattle – in the perspective of the non-additive feed evaluation system – NorFor. PhD Thesis. Aarhus University.

Krizsan S., A. Höjer, A. Huuskonen, M. Hetta and P. Huhtanen Evaluation of the feed intake models in the Nordic feed evaluation system NorFor. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A — Animal Science, 64:2, 110-122, DOI: 10.1080/09064702.2014.929168

Rengman S., B. Johansson and M. Murphy Dietary nutrient density and effects on intake and production. Pages 83-87 in Proceedings of the 5th Nordic Feed Science Conference. Uppsala, Sweden.

Schei I., N.I. Nielsen, M. Åkerlind and H. Volden. A meta-analysis of milk production responses to increased supply of AAT. Pages 78-82 in Proceedings of the 5th Nordic Feed Science Conference. Uppsala, Sweden


Nielsen N. I., H. Volden, M. Åkerlind, M. Brask, A. L. F. Hellwing, T. Storlien & J. Bertilsson. 2013. A prediction equation for enteric methane emission from dairy cows for use in NorFor, Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A - Animal Science, 63:3, 126-130, DOI: 10.1080/09064702.2013.851275


Gustafsson A., H. Volden, M. Mehlqvist, M. Larsen, G.Gudmundsson and O. Aaes*** NorForTM - the new Nordic feed evaluation system for cattle. Pages 122-126 in ICAR 2006. Kuopio, Finland.