The NorFor Book
The NorFor Feed Ratio Optimizer is based on the Nordic Feed Formulation System, also known as the NorFor model. This book explains in detail the NorFor system and models. It is essential for a deep understanding of the model and the software.

Chapter 2
Overall model description (pdf)
Suggested citation
For the general model
NorFor, 2011. NorFor - The Nordic feed evaluation system. H. Volden (ed.). EAAP publication No. 130. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, The Netherlands. DOI:
An example of a specific chapter
Åkerlind, M., Nielsen, N.I. & Volden, H. 2011. Animal input characteristics. In: Volden, H. (ed.) NorFor - The Nordic feed evaluation system. EAAP publication No. 130. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, The Netherlands. DOI: