Scientific Advisory Group meeting

For the first time in six years, NorFor organized a physical Scientific Advisory Group (SAG) meeting. On the 1st of June, 2023, researchers from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Iceland gathered on the top floor of Axelborg in central Copenhagen. Representatives from NorFor Biologi/R&D joined them for a day of presentations and intensive discussions. The meeting focused on various topics concerning methodology, including determination of the degradation rate of potentially degradable neutral detergent fibre, organic matter digestibility, dry matter, and the energy value of crude protein.

Throughout the day, decisions were made regarding the future direction of many topics. Additionally, discussions centred around potential collaborations on data and research took place among the participating countries.

Photo by Maria Åkerlind

From the left: Johanna Karlsson (NorFor/Växa), Egil Prestløkken (NMBU), Torsten Eriksson (SLU), Jóhannes Sveinbjörnsson (LBHI), Henrik Martinussen (NorFor/Seges), Carsten Pedersen (Pedersen Nutrition), Martin Riis Weisbjerg (AU), Niels Bastian Kristensen (Seges), Nicolaj Ingeman Nielsen (NorFor/Seges), Mogen Larsen (AU), and Harald Volden (NorFor/Tine/NMBU).